Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair for Shoulder Instability

What is Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair for Shoulder Instability?
Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair in Koramnagala Bangalore is a minimally invasive surgical procedure done to treat shoulder instability caused by damage to the fibrocartilage in the front of the shoulder. The surgery is performed through button-hole incisions using a narrow instrument called an arthroscope, which allows visualisation of the inside of the joint and repair of injury to be done with minimal damage to the surrounding healthy tissues.
What is the aim of Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair?
The aim of the surgery is to maximize mobility and function of the shoulder and minimize the risk of shoulder dislocations.
What happens if a Shoulder Labrum injury is left Untreated?
The patient will be at risk for recurrent shoulder dislocations and instability. This will negatively impact ability to participate in sports and other physical activities.
Preparing for Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair
- You must inform your doctor about your current health condition, medications, and allergies.
- You may have to undergo a physical exam and laboratory tests to ensure there are no contraindications for the surgery.
- You must avoid smoking or drinking as these activities slow down healing of tissue after surgery.
- You may be asked to avoid eating or drinking anything 6 hour before the surgery.
What happens during the Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair?
The surgery will usually be done under general and local anaesthesia so you will be asleep during the procedure. About three to four keyhole incisions will be made around the shoulder through which fluid will be passed to inflate the joint to allow for inserting of the arthroscope and other surgical instruments. The frayed tissue and bone chips will be removed. The torn portion of the shoulder labrum will be attached to the bone of the shoulder socket with suture anchors. The shoulder capsule which may have been stretched will be tightened by sutures to tighten the capsule and prevent shoulder instability. The incisions are then closed with sutures and the arm is placed in a sling. The procedure may be completed in 1 hour.
Recovering after Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair
Postsurgical recovery after Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair in Sarjapur Road Bangalore is much easier than open shoulder surgery. You may need about 2 hours to recover from the effects of the anaesthesia. There may be some discomfort or pain in the shoulder for which you will be prescribed medications. Specific instructions about activity restrictions and how to maintain the sling when performing routine activities will be provided. You will be advised about follow-up appointments to assess your healing and to help you transition to non-restricted activity.
Risks of Arthroscopic Bankart's Repair
Most patients do not have any complications from the procedure.
Why Do I need surgery?
If You have instability, pain and recurrent dislocations of the shoulder joint,you will need surgery to restore functionality, stability and minimise pain.
What is the ideal time to plan for surgery
This procedure is generally planned after conservative treatment methods have failed. Usually, you will be asked to rest the injured shoulder and immobilize it in a sling followed up with physical therapy.
Will it be open or Arthroscopic surgery?
Dr Rewat performs Arthroscopic bankart repair which is a minimally-invasive procedure that repairs bankart lesions through the use of an arthroscope, or a small video camera.
There will be 2-3 small stab incisions in the front and back of the shoulder. The procedure does not involve detaching and reattaching the subscapularis, or overlying shoulder muscle, as is required by the open technique. After the procedure, patients feel little to no discomfort or inflammation from the injury site and have the same or better range of motion than before the injury occurred.
How long does Bankart repair take to heal?
It is usually estimated that it will take at least 6-9 weeks to feel as though you have completely regained the use of your arm. People with desk jobs should plan to take at least 1 week off from work.
What can I expect after Bankart surgery?
Recovery is broken up into several phases: The first 3 weeks the shoulder is kept in an arm pouch to allow the area to heal as much as possible. For up to 6 weeks the focus is on normal shoulder movement, but lifting should still be avoided. At 7-8 weeks strengthening exercises for the shoulder will commence.
When can you drive after a Bankart repair?
- Car driving -4-6 weeks.
- Two wheeler -8-12 weeks.
Is Bankart surgery painful?
Arthroscopic Bankart repair results in minimal pain and trauma and less scarring and damage to surrounding tissue than traditional open surgery. There is also a shorter recovery period and a shorter length of rehabilitation than with traditional open surgery.